[Iperf] Iperf Porting and Testing Bandwidth Commands

這篇主要介紹的是 Iperf 要如何透過 cross-compile 來 porting 到不同的平台上。

Iperf 下載網址:http://iperf.fr/

第一個範例是 Porting 到 Cavium 的 ECONA 平台上,第二個是 Porting 到 Ti 的系列平台上,
在文章最後並會介紹 Iperf 的簡單用法,現介紹如下:

== Porting ==

** ECONA Platform **
1. get iperf-2.0.5.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/projects/iperf/
2. tar zxvf iperf-2.0.5.tar.gz
3. cd iperf-2.0.5$
4. export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cnstools/arm-linux-le-uclibc-gcc-4.3.3-2010.05/usr/bin
5. chmod 777 configure
6. chmod 777 config.h
7. ./configure –host=arm-linux CC=arm-linux-gcc”
8. comment “#define malloc rpl_malloc” in config.h (if you have ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes in previous line, you don’t need to do this)
9. make
10. you can find binary “iperf” in directory “src”

** Ti Platform **

1. Download and un-pack the source code.
2. ./configure --host=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi CC=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-gcc CXX=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-g++ CXXCPP="arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-g++ -E"
3. make
4. comment “#define malloc rpl_malloc” in config.h
5. you can find binary “iperf” in directory “src”

== Command ==


* Server:
excute “iperf -s”

* cient:
excute “iperf -c serverip -n 1000M”
excute “iperf -c serverip -w128k -i21 -t60 -P6 -p5001 ”

另外這組是用來測試 Wifi Throughput 的 command:

* Iperf Tcp Commands:(HT 20 and HT 40)
Server: iperf -s -f -m
Clinet: iperf -c <server ip> -t 30 -f -m -i 2

* Iperf Udp Commands:(HT 20)
Server: iperf -s -f -m
Clinet: iperf -c <server ip> -t 30 -f -m -i 2 -u -b 90M

* Iperf Udp Commands:(HT 40)
Server: iperf -s -f -m
Clinet: iperf -c <server ip> -t 30 -f -m -i 2 -u -b 300M




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